
Duke University
September 2020 - Present

Specialization - Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals
Today, Java is a widely used programming language. Through this collection of courses, I am learning about the foundations of Java.

September 2020 - September 2020

Professional Certificate - IBM AI Engineering
Python is one of the most common programming languages employed for the development of the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Through this collection of courses, I learnt how to implement fast and reliable ML algorithms using some of the most efficient and recently developed Python libraries, and how to exploit avalable solutions designed to deal with a massive amount of data. By completing varius assigments and projects, I have earned several IBM Digital Badges!

St. Petersburg State University
August 2020 - September 2020

Course - The Introduction to Quantum Computing
Quantum computing exploits quantum-mechanical phenomena to perform computation. Quantum computers have the potential to solve certain problems that classical computers could not solve in any feasible amount of time. This course taught me the basics of quantum computing and its potential applications in both academic research and industry.

Stanford University
July 2020 - August 2020

Course - Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence is an important field of research in both academy and industry. This course gave me the opportunity of studying some of the most advanced Machine Learning (ML) techniques and their potential applications. By working on the course assignments, I learnt how to apply knowledge to specific problems and I developed my own ML models.

University of Oslo
September 2016 - September 2020

Ph.D. in Cosmology and Astrophysics
During my doctoral studies, in order to better conduct my research in the fields of Cosmology and Astrophysics, I further developed my knowledge in applied mathematics, numerical computation and data analysis.

Thesis: Cosmology at small scales: ultra-light dark matter and baryon cycles in galaxies.

Institut Henri Poincare | Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse
Cargèse, France
September 2nd - 8th 2018

Summer school - Analytics, Inference, and Computation in Cosmology: Advanced methods
During this summer school, I studied some advanced analytical techniques to model natural phenomena, innovative computational methods and new ways to infer information from experimental/observational data, applied in the context of Cosmology and Astrophysics. Among different topics, the lectures on Bayesian inference and data analysis, Machine Learning (ML) and computational methods were very interesting.

Instituto de Física Teórica
Madrid, Spain
September 13th - 17th 2017

Summer school - CosmoTools
During the CosmoTools summer school, I had the opportunity of studying how some of the most advanced numerical techniques are applied within the field of Cosmology. I studied Boltzmann solvers and new N-body/SPH codes, as well as Monte Carlo methods for parameter estimation.

Universita degli Studi di Torino
September 2013 - July 2016

M.Sc. in Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics
The focus of my M.Sc. studies was on fundamental physics. I learnt about the theoretical framework needed to model fundamental interactions between particles and about different techniques developed to deal with the vast amount of information resulting from complex experiments.

Thesis: Quantum Kinetic Equations and neutrinos in the primordial plasma.

Politecnico di Torino
September 2013 - July 2013

B.Sc. in Physics Engeneering
Applied mathematics and physics play a fundamental role in technological development. During this stage of my education I learnt how to apply scientific knowledge to the complex problems industry has to face on a daily basis.

Thesis: Non-linear Schrödinger equation in the analysis of multi-particle systems.


Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics | University of Oslo
Oslo, Norway
September 2016 - September 2020

Doctoral Researcher
As a researcher in theoretical Cosmology and Astrophysics I studied the late-time history of the Universe, in particular the process of structure formation. I developed the computational tools I needed to simulate the structure formation phase and to analyse the data from simulations and astronomical observations.

Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
March 2016 - June 2016,
September 2015 - December 2015

Visiting Student
During my academic visits at LANL, I developed a highly optimized C/C++ code to simulate the neutrino physics in the early Universe, and a collection of Octave/Matlab tools to analyse the simulation data. My M.Sc. thesis was based on the research I conducted at LANL.

Carrù (CN), Italy
June 2008 - July 2008

As an intern/trainee at Anaborapi, I had the opportunity of applying my HTML/CSS and PHP knowledge. During my internship, I extended and further developed the website of the company.

Teaching and Leadership experience

University of Oslo
Oslo, Norway
A.Y. 2018/2019 - A.Y. 2017/2018

Teaching assistant - AST5220: Cosmology II
For the AST5220 course, I taught the students the basics of scientific programming and I assisted them while they were working on the computational project of the course. I also graded both the students' assignments and final exam.

University of Oslo
Oslo, Norway
A.Y. 2017/2018 - A.Y. 2016/2017

Teaching assistant - AST3220: Cosmology I
For the AST3220 course, I organised the weekly exercise classes and I designed different computational projects the students had to hand in as part of the final exam. I also graded both the students' assignments and the final exam.

Astronomy on Tap | Oslo
Oslo, Norway
September 2017 - March 2019

Team member
Astronomy on Tap (AoT) is a worldwide spread organization of volunteers promoting popular science. As a team member of the AoT Oslo division, I contributed to organize public talks, quizzes and games, for both kids and adults.

Journal Club | ITA
Oslo, Norway
September 2017 - June 2019

Member of the organizing committee
The Journal Club represents an opportunity of discussing newly published articles, getting to know about new research and exchanging knowledge. I organised the weekly Journal Club meetings for the Cosmology & Extragalactic Astronomy division of the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics in Oslo.

Awards & Grants

European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST)
May 2018

Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM)
My research proposal about the investigation of new observable properties of structures to identify and characterise the nature of dark matter in joint collaboration with the University of Lisbon was funded by the COST association.

COST Action: CA15117 - STSM reference number: 39921

Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics | University of Oslo
August 2016

Doctoral research fellowship
After completting my M.Sc. studies, I was awarded with a four year doctoral research fellowship by the University of Oslo.



Italian: mother tongue
English: daily use


  • Taught 2 courses for B.Sc, M.Sc. and Ph.D. students
  • Held 5+ public presentations in the form of public seminars and conference talks
  • Published 4 academic articles


Office Suite | Word processors | Spreadshits | Web browser

Data Visualization - Numerical analysis - Statistical analysis: MATLAB/Octave, Python

Integrated development environments (IDE): Visual Studio | Markup languages: HTML/CSS, LaTeX | Mobile Application Development: MIT App Inventor | Parallel computing: MPI, OpenMP | Programming languages: Bash, C/C++, Fortran 90, JavaScript, MATLAB/Octave, PHP, Python, SQL, Visual Basic .NET - VB.NET | Web programming: Microsoft ASP.NET

Operating systems: Windows, Linux, MacOS | Network architectures

Database management systems (DBMS)


An updated list of my academic publications can be found on the SAO/NASA ADS server.